Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

16 de Abril de 1178 a.C.

«Então entre eles tomou a palavra o divino Teoclímeno: "Ah, desgraçados! Que mal sofreis? A noite encobre as vossas cabeças, os vossos rostos, e até os vossos joelhos por baixo! Ardem os gritos de dor, cheias de lágrimas estão as vossas faces, e manchadas de sangue as paredes e o tecto. O adro está repleto de fantasmas; repleto está o pátio para a escuridão do Érebo se precipitam e o Sol desapareceu do céu e tudo cobre a bruma do mal"»

Odisseia, XX 350-357
Tradução de Frederico Lourenço

Como acho que é evidente esta profecia de Teoclímeno reporta-nos para um eclipse total do Sol, que segundo Homero se teria dado aquando da chegada de Ulisses ao pátio do seu palácio em Ítaca, já anteriormente se tinha identificado esse hipotético eclipse com um que foi visivel nas ilhas jónicas a 16 de Abril de 1178. A novidade é que dois astrónomos argentinos, Marcelo Magnasco e Constantino Baikouzis, parecem ter agora confirmado essa teoria com base noutras indicações de fenómenos astronómicos na Odisseia.
O artigo publicado na Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America pode ser consultado aqui.

Além do interesse cultural (que a meu ver suplanta, neste caso, o cientifico) deste trabalho é também de aplaudir o interesse em fazer pesquisa cientifica não só com o objectivo do progresso tecnológico com vista no futuro, mas sim intelectual e repensando o passado.

Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008

2009 Ano Internacional da Astronomia

United Nations

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 61/185 of 20 December 2006 on the proclamation of
international years,

Aware that astronomy is one of the oldest basic sciences and that it has
contributed and still contributes fundamentally to the evolution of other sciences
and applications in a wide range of fields,

Recognizing that astronomical observations have profound implications for the
development of science, philosophy, culture and the general conception of the

Noting that, although there is a general interest in astronomy, it is often
difficult for the general public to gain access to information and knowledge on the

Conscious that each society has developed legends, myths and traditions
concerning the sky, the planets and the stars which form part of its cultural heritage,

Welcoming resolution 33 C/25 adopted by the General Conference of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on 19 October
20051 to express its support for the declaration of 2009 as the International Year of
Astronomy, with a view to highlighting the importance of astronomical sciences and
their contribution to knowledge and development,

Noting that the International Astronomical Union has been supporting the
initiative since 2003 and that it will act to grant the project the widest impact,

Convinced that the Year could play a crucial role, inter alia, in raising public
awareness of the importance of astronomy and basic sciences for sustainable
development, promoting access to the universal knowledge of fundamental science
through the excitement generated by the subject of astronomy, supporting formal
and informal science education in schools as well as through science centres and museums and other relevant means, stimulating a long-term increase in student
enrolment in the fields of science and technology, and supporting scientific literacy,

1. Decides to declare 2009 the International Year of Astronomy;

2. Designates the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization as the lead agency and focal point for the Year, and invites it to
organize, in this capacity, activities to be realized during the Year, in collaboration
with other relevant entities of the United Nations system, the International
Astronomical Union, the European Southern Observatory and astronomical societies
and groups throughout the world, and, in this regard, notes that the activities of the
Year will be funded from voluntary contributions, including from the private sector;

3. Encourages all Member States, the United Nations system and all other
actors to take advantage of the Year to promote actions at all levels aimed at
increasing awareness among the public of the importance of astronomical sciences
and promoting widespread access to new knowledge and experiences of
astronomical observation.

78th plenary meeting
19 December 2007

Montag, 2. Juni 2008

Leo senex, Aper, Taurus et Asinus

Defectus annis et desertus viribus
Leo cum jaceret, spiritum extremum trahens,
Aper fulmineis venit ad eum dentibus,
Et vindicavit ictu veterem injuriam.
Infestis Taurus mox confodit cornibus
Hostile corpus. Asinus, ut videt ferum
Impune laedi, calcibus frontem extudit.
At ille exspirans : «Fortes indigne tuli
Mihi insultare: te, naturae dedecus,
Quod ferre cogor, certe bis videor mori»

Fedro - Livro I, 21

Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008

O Leão Velho

Decrépito o Leão, terror dos bosques,
E saudoso da antiga fortaleza,
Viu-se atacado pelos outros brutos,
Que intrépidos tornou sua fraqueza.

Eis o lobo cos dentes o maltrata,
O cavalo cos pés, o boi coas pontas,
E o mísero leão, rugindo apenas,
Paciente digere estas afrontas.

Não se queixa dos fados; porém vendo
Vir o burro, animal de ínfima sorte:
«Ah, vil raça», lhe diz, «morrer não temo,
Mas sofrer-te uma injúria é mais que morte!»

LaFontaine - tradução de Bocage